Take control of your wellness through balance.
* Check in with your doctor and get a physical for preventative measures.
* Out of balance hormone levels can play havoc on mood and stability. It appears both men & women experience menopause and hormonal imbalances can happen in young adults too.
* Get Your Zzzz’s - If we cannot get good sleep we cannot regulate our emotions and/or care for the body. Make sure to get good, quality sleep. Establishing a sleep hygiene and talking to a professional if sleep is interrupted. FYI - ideal sleeping temperature is 66 degrees.
* Exercise - one of the most effective anti-depressants and anti-anxiety but the most under utilized. How about adding a 30 min walk 3 -4 x/ week to your daily routine?
* Food/Drink with intention - minimize dependency on caffeine/energy drinks/sweets/alcohol/etc., and fuel the body with healthy foods and plenty of water. What we consume can play a large role in how we feel and our energy level.
* Got Faith? Studies show that having an active prayer/meditation life and connecting with God daily helps to increase gratitude, strengthen sense of support and connection and activate positive feelings including hope.
* Get Re-Connected - isolation is not good for us. Challenge yourself to reach out and get connected through faith-based organizations, local support groups for mental health, Meet-up groups, etc. Increasing sense of connection and support groups is critical in balancing our life, especially when facing challenges.
* Get Involved - Volunteering is proven to get us ‘unstuck’ from our daily life and ‘connect’ into a bigger purpose. Volunteering helps us to focus on the strengths, skills and talents that we can easily forget when we are struggling, not to mention, the amazing difference you can make to others.
* Pursue hobbies/interests again - Re-gain what used to make you happy, relaxed and peeked your interest in the past. There are several online classes and virtual groups you can join, as well as, many places and groups are opening up again.
* Change the scenery - when is the last time you went on a drive to enjoy nature? Changing the scenery can often give relief from the triggers we experience in our day to day and give us a new sense of exploration even if it’s for a few hours. Try to do this at least 1 x/ week.